• Registration
  • Child's details
  • Parent Details
  • Additional Information
  • Additional Needs
  • Declaration

Enter your email address to begin registration

Child's details

First Name *
Middle Name *
Last Name *
Gender *
Preferred Name (if any)
Date of Birth *
Nationality *
Copy of Nationality *
Religion *
English Language *
First Language *
Second Language *
Child's Passport Number *
Passport Expiry Date *
Copy of Passport *
Passport Country *
Saudi Iqama or Civil Id Number *
Saudi Iqama or Civil Id Expiry Date *
Age of Entry *
Copy of Vaccination Certificate *
Expected Year of Entry *
Expected Term of Entry *
Copy of Latest School Report *
Have you applied before to Aldenham Prep School? *
Have You Registered Your Son/Daughter at Any Other Schools? *

Parent Details

Father Title *
Father First Name *
Father Last Name *
Father Address 1 *
Father Address 2 *
Father Town/City *
Father Postcode *
Father State/Region *
Father Country *
Copy of Passport *
Saudi Iqama/Civil ID Number *
Saudi Iqama/Civil ID Expiry Date *
Father Occupation *
Father Name of Company *
Father Home Telephone *
Father Mobile/WhatsApp *
Father Email *
If there is no Mother who has parental responsibility, please leave this section blank.
Mother Title *
Mother First Name *
Mother Last Name *
Mother Address 1 *
Mother Address 2 *
Mother Town/City *
Mother Postcode *
Mother State/Region *
Mother Country *
Saudi Iqama/Civil ID Number *
Saudi Iqama/Civil ID Expiry Date *
Mother Occupation *
Mother Name of Company *
Mother Home Telephone *
Mother Mobile/WhatsApp *
Mother Email *

Additional Information

Please mention here any prior connection you have with Aldenham, such as family,
members attending in the UK.
How did you hear about Aldenham prep Riyadh?

Additional Needs

Aldenham Prep Riyadh is an inclusive school which warmly welcomes all those who meet the admissions criteria. In order to have a full understanding of your son's needs, please answer the questions below.

Has your son ever been identified as having:
Has your son ever been identified with having other additional emotional, learning or physical needs for which they have previously received support either in or out of school?

IMPORTANT CONDITIONS: The school reserves the right to withdraw an offered place if there is any failure to disclose relevant information regarding a students additional learning needs diagnoses or any other factors that may impact their educational experience and support requirements. This measure ensures that the school can make informed decisions to provide appropriate resources and support, safeguarding the best interests of both the student and school community.


I agree that the child named on page one will be registered formally as a prospective pupil at Aldenham Prep Riyadh and understand that this does not guarantee a place *
Father's Signatory Full Name *
Mother's Signatory Full Name *
Is there any additional information you would like to tell us?
Any other documents you would like to share with us?